Cancer Free – Finally!

My surgeon says I am CANCER FREEEEE!!!!!! Yay! Woohoo!

There were 2 very small spots of cancer associated with the clip area which was removed. One was 2 mm and other was 1 mm. So small that they were not caught on the MRI or mammogram from the last few weeks so it was good that we went back in for the clip. The margins all around the spots were clear and they are calling it grade 1 and stage1A which is very treatable as they had indicated in the beginning.

My surgeon is recommending me for radiation to make sure there are no other tiny spots elsewhere which were not removed during the surgeries. I meet with the radiation oncologist on Thursday to discuss the process, schedule, etc. Normally radiation starts 4 to 6 weeks after surgery, but apparently my surgeon says I am a fantastic healer so I could start much sooner. Yay, I think. The biggest pain in my ass with the radiation is that it is daily, Monday thru Friday for usually 6 weeks. I am going to rely on family and friends for help with Jackson and get some sort of schedule set. Usually there is fatigue which sets in toward the end, and I am nervous about that. I already have fatigue; I am 41 with an active toddler. Very blessed with an active toddler!

I also have an appointment on Monday with a medical oncologist. He is the one who decides on chemo and the follow up endocrine therapy. My surgeon says there is no reason I should need chemo and that she would “fall to the floor” if he recommended it. I am not too concerned about that at this point and just moving on. I am pretty sure I will have to take tamoxifen for 5 years (endocrine therapy). I am not sure if they will start it before or after radiation.

There are side effects to both radiation and tamoxifen, but who knows how they may affect me. I am taking it one day and one doctor at a time, I guess.
And they are not chemo so, whatever happens, that is a win!

Otherwise, it is sunny and beautiful outside and I had a great lunch with Rachel Rhodes. I can’t complain.

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