We had the pre-op appointment this morning with the plastic surgeon. It was pretty anti-climactic after the last one. I had my blood pressure, heart and lungs checked, got the spiel about not taking anything that would thin my blood, which includes aspirin which stinks at the moment as my head is pounding. They also gave me some special wipes to use the night before and morning of surgery to help prevent infection. The Dr. spoke about what to expect the morning of and after surgery, that I am going to have 6 drains, 2 in back and 4 in front post surgery and for 1-2 weeks. My Dr. told me that I am going home with a very different body and will be a work in progress, but to be patient and they will take good care of me. It was rather sobering to think that I am going to be coming home without any breasts, but also without cancer and that is more important. On a more pleasant note, Nate and I leave for Puerto Vallerta in about 12 hours for 4 all inclusive days with his work! Adios!