Just waiting, waiting , waiting to pee so I can go home. HA. Apparently my
bladder is still under anesthesia. 😜 Other than that, I am feeling pretty good. 5 small incisions and no real pain at the moment. Just tired and anxious to go home to my own bed.
Home and in bed. Getting situated in bed was quite a challenge when your mattress is tall, your arms don’t support you well and you just had surgery on your core. Oh, and I am feel like my head was positioned funny during surgery and either a nerve is pinched or there is a huge knot in my beck. Thankful for Nate who moved all of my 6 pillows around and rubbed my beck. I am currently a hot mess.
However, this surgery was so much better than the last. I have 5 inch incisions almost straight across my stomach above my belly button. I look like a hangman board for a 5 letter word. Any guesses? 😂
Planning on sleeping a lot this week and catching up on TV. Thank you everyone who signed up for the meal train. So helpful! We are so thankful for all of your continued support, prayers and love for us during this process. While the physical part of it is really hard on my body, my heart is full.