21 treatments down and the end is in sight! Last week, for the halfway point, we went out to dinner and I had a nice glass of wine. When you don’t have wine very often, it is ridiculously good.
All in all, I am doing well. I am definitely red and tender and last week, I broke out in a lovely (not really), red rash across my chest and below, but still in the radiation zone. It ITCHES. Scratching is bad because I am so tender and sore, so that part kinda stinks. Also, there is no good position to sleep in, I am uncomfortable no matter how I try to sleep . Unfortunately, sleep is critical to me at this point. I am trying to nap every day when J does. The days where I don’t get a nap, I am seriously dragging. My eyes feel like sandpaper and I have no energy. It is really annoying because the weather is beautiful outside and I just don’t have much energy to run around after J outside. Thankfully I just set up a new water toy for him where he can play and splash and I can just sit there and add more water.
I am also a day behind on my schedule. The radiation machine was down yesterday so I had the day off. Apparently, you cannot play the “but I have cancer” card with a machine, it does not care about my schedule and that I wanted to finish on Friday, May 17. Now it looks like I will finish on Monday, May 20.
My doctor did decide to switch things up a bit in the overall schedule so I started the “boost” treatment today and that will go for 7 more treatments. I now lie on my side and there is a directed beam toward just the surgery area for one longer blast. I don’t have to hold my breathe for this, but they did draw a big circle in the side of my breast and a large X in the middle and asked me to not wash it off. X marks the spot I guess.
One nice side effect of the damn cancer is that I get to see my mom, Mark and Grandma more. Nate is on the road a lot at the moment and so the family is coming on Sunday to hang out with J and I while Nate is gone. I am super excited to see my family, but also looking forward to more sleep and having someone else cook for us.
Oh, and the best present you can ever give someone who has any kind of prolonged illness, treatment, etc. is for someone to come clean their house. My sister arranged for cleaners to come every 2 weeks during this time and it is amazing. Best sister ever.
Every day I do feel so lucky to have the family and friends that I do. And when people ask how I am doing, my standard answer, other than “tired” is “it could be worse.” Yes, I had cancer and it sucks, but really, I have it a lot easier than many and I know it.