P!nk weekend in Vegas

They say laughter is the best medicine, but a weekend in Las Vegas is pretty good too! Thanks to my wonderful Mom for keeping J for us, Nate and I, along with our good friends, Joleine and Mike, got away for 2 days. We drank, went to the P!nk concert (amazing!!!), ate, drank, laughed, went to see Ka by Cirque de Solei (how the hell do they do all of that stuff?) and maybe drank some more.

Now we are waiting to go home and our flight is delayed. Boo. We had a great time, but I miss my kiddo and need some Jackson snuggles and am ready to go home. It seems like waiting is now what my life is and it annoys me. This week, I have a mammogram on Wednesday 2/20 to again search for the missing clip/marker which was not found on the MRI. I have an appointment with my surgeon on Friday 2/22 to go over the mammogram results. If the clip is not found on the mammogram, then I will move on to the next steps, whatever they may be with the medical oncologist. If the clip is found, it needs to be removed. If they have to go in and remove it, that will be on Wednesday 2/27. It will be a much less invasive procedure, but still surgery.

Personally, I am going to go with the thought that the clip was sucked up during surgery and is gone. I am over this and really don’t want another surgery. I want my regular life back! This weekend was a great break though and very necessary. Now I just need some more sleep.

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