Day 7 post surgery. My life is now officially ground hog day. I wake up, take a bunch of pills, watch “Ellen,” eat breakfast, help Nate to empty my drains (6, 6 drains coming out of my body) and then go back to bed. Then it’s time for more pills and to watch some “Hart of Dixie.” Yes, it is good to watch mindless TV when taking heavy pain meds. Then more sleep, however I can only sleep on my back, my head elevated with a bed lounger, the ones with arms, with tiny pillows under my armpits. We splurged and have 2 loungers so we don’t have to take them up and downstairs. Last night Sister and I watched #Oscarssoboring and of course turned it off before the envelope mishap. Empty drains, take more pills and then sleep and repeat. Remembering to drink a ton of water and eating is also helpful. I am losing my mind.
Tomorrow at 10:30 am is my post op appointment with my plastic surgeon and then Wednesday at 10:00 am is my post op with my cancer surgeon. Hoping some or all of the drains can come out. Unfortunately, my days will stay the same for a while. Rest and repeat. So very thankful for Nate and Sister who do everything from putting my hair in a bun to getting me coffee. And the meal train has been amazing, thank you so much! We greatly appreciate all off your support, prayers and check ins!